Saturday, July 25, 2009

- My 3 Days In Kuantan -


Saturday 25th July 2009 Morning, good day

Hello, I’m back. Yesterday stay at kuantan, let me so happy. Yesterday morning my family and I went to eat breakfast – ‘char kuew tiao’ and drunk ‘tea c ice’ [don’t know how to spell].After we all ready ate finish, we all ready to go kuantan.

On the way, I didn’t sleep, I just study some story books, that book let me feel little bit scare. That book was talk about ‘GHOST’, because when I was small I scare ‘that things’. =] About 1.30p.m. we arrived kuantan. After we arrived kuantan we went to ‘LAO ZI TEMPLE’ to pray, my brother, my mother and me ate ice- cream then we ate durian. By the way, we went to Swiss garden hotel. We got bring laptop but the hotel no wireless so cannot online. OH MY GOD , cannot play ‘nostale’ for three days and cannot chat with my friends. ‘Nostale’ I want to aim 40 level and now want to get fire card, my friend said me ‘U play that game till mental’!

After that, we move in to the hotel. The room was so nice, I like it. Then, after that siew jien aready come then we ready to make-up, take bath, changed batik clothes and more... Then we eat dinner walao that food very 呕, In dinner we have lucky draw… see who was the lucky guy. Then present contain mini laptop 32’ television, 37’ television, microwave, oven, and more… After dinner, we went back to hotel then we all change in pajamas some play computer, some chatting with boyfriend, some watched television, some ready to sleep, then we sleep. ^^ later that siew jien and me watching television then she suddenly ask me in your blog you say you got like de people, is that her brother I cheat she I don’t know, actually is he la.


Today morning, I woke up first, on about 7.30a.m. I type diary was about this three days how I passed. Then morning we take bath and change clothes, then we went to eat breakfast. Then the company organized telegraf we play. sand picture, tattoo, magic show, and some more. There were so many present, my sister, siew jien and me got take many present. Then happy lunch time were coming, we ate lunch rice, fried rice, puddings, sotong, and some more. Then my sister, siew jien and I take part a game we get ‘sagu hati’ got better than none we three get a ‘pooh’ cup. Then after that we came up to hotel and rested, siew jien want to toke bath but unfortunelly her spec broken aready, so bad then she want home to repair now no people teman us chit chat. haizZ. Now my sister toke part singing competiton, WISH SHE LUCKY CAN 进入决赛. Gambateh~! @@ now want to prepare to teman sister go to singing competiton. Bye bye, tonight come back only write what happen today ^^. Bye bye lo~! @@ .

P/S: There were some not yet write... so i will continue bye bye lo~!@@
Yesterday, my sister singing competition get no.4, haizZ I thought she can toke top 3, but she only get no.4 she get a free coupon for high tea time buffet and free a oven toasted. Yesterday we ware Hawaii clothes for the last night dinner, then the dinner’s food were delicious and also yesterday we get many present and yesterday de lucky draw the most big present were went to hong kong Disneyland. Wow! The person so lucky haizZ… and yesterdaygot fire work saw, that was very nice, and she give a birthday present to me very NICE! THANK YOU~! I LOVE YOU! HAHA~! I seem like ‘bian tai kuang’. Wakaka! @@...
Then today we wanted went home, then morning I about 8.00++ a.m. woke up, sleep till like a ‘pig’ then I woke up liao went for breakfast and then my sister, my brother and me went to swimming. Then after that my brother and I went to beach, walk along there, very ‘shuang’, then we went back to hotel then my brother toke bath then me on-9, then chat with friend, ok then we went home liao haizZ, very tired this few days.
1. P/S: My English so poor, so if got wrong sentences don’t ... me T.Q!
2. P/S: T.Q! aunt for borrow me novel! And siew jien thanks for your present!
3. P/S: very happy this few days, play until sot sot liao! Haha~!@@
4. P/S: very happy jia xing no angry me! Thank god~!@@

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